Outside Projects (7)

     It's here!! It's here!! It's finally here!!!!! Our outdoor wood burner is finally here!!! If you can't tell I am extremely excited about this project. After last winter's astronomical fuel bills, I can't wait to see how we do this year. When we first talked about this project, we thought we wanted the furnace out behind the garage, but the more we talked about it, we thought we would put it up at the big barn because that is where we are going to keep our wood, and we also wanted to eventually put water and electric up there so we decided to kill two birds with one stone and do it all at the same time, so our first step was to get our ditch dug.

     This project has been plagued with problems since we started. The first one was the rainy weather and then the little digger you see in the picture, the bucket broke and that delayed us for about two weeks but we got started again and this is what we have lived with in our back yard ever since.

This ditch is 170 feet long! This pic was taken looking down from the barn.If you look close you can see my white backporch door. The next step to this project also had its' stressful moments. Since we decided to place the stove up at the barn, it had to sit on a level surface and our cement pad in front of the barn slopes so that the rain can run off, so Jeff had to learn a new trade and make a wooden frame in order to pour a concrete pad for the boiler to sit on. He did a great job! My husband never ceases to amaze me. But like everything else with this project our black cloud arrived again. The pad was poured on Friday and yes, we had a Nor'Easter on Saturday but regardless it turned out perfect!!

Now it is time for the boiler!!! I couldn't wait till it got here but I seriously didn't think that they would get here while it was still dark!

Yes, that's right they bring it in on a flat bed truck and take it off with a crane.

Just a little more to the right.

Now we are ready for the plumbing and electric. This is some of the biggest pipe I have ever seen.

Roll it all the way down to the house.

Next comes putting this huge pipe through our foundation. Yipee!!

This is what it looks like on the inside

This brown board holds the electic to the old boiler and Jeff had to make a new support to hold the new electic for the new burner. Another job well done.
Now that we have all the neccesities accomplished. It is on to the boiler to fire it up!

We have a flame!!
we're cookin now!!!!! I hope we have enough wood to get us started!

We would like to seriously thank Palace Creek Enterprises. They came early and stayed late and really worked hard for us. Another project done for us and I do believe we are done for the year.
         At last, we finally got the cement pad in front of the barn cleaned off. This has been an enormous project. As you can see there has been some major hurdles to cross or should I say wooden obstacles.

Sooooooo much dirt and wood.

OMG!!!! What a tangeled mess!

Children do not try this at home. This is called a backward wheelie!!

Wow! What a difference! Lookin good. We are definetly getting there.
 Well I have finally found some time to load some pics and show y'all what we have been up to. We finally got the leaner tree as we called it down and away from the corn barn. The reason we finally got it down was that it FELL DOWN, so it was out of there now. We had been watching it all winter and spring, keeping our fingers crossed, hoping it wouldn't fall and cause any damage, but it finally came down and by the grace of God didn't do any damage to the little barn.

We have just a little bit of vegetation. Ha Ha just kidding it's like a jungle in here!!

 Finally down!!

More wood for the boiler this winter. YEAHHHHHH  !!!!

   Okay, I couldn't stand looking at the nasty blue green color on our front porch. It was a beautiful sunny day, so I did some painting. Here are the before pics.

  Horrible, Horrible, Horrible shade of blue or is it green!! I don't know. All I know is it is getting covered.

BEAUTIFUL!! I love it when a plan works out.


What did you do this weekend?  Well we tried out our new wood chipper. We needed one desperately!! We have wood everywhere.

      I had trimmed the Apple tree earlier this month and have been chomping at the bit to get this mess cleaned up. I can't wait. Let's fire this mother up!

Here are the boys hard at work chip, chip, chipping away!!

 Meet our trusty wood go getter.

We have some piles of wood in front of our barn that are so big they look like Beaver Dams! Check them out.

     Well we have chipped and chipped till we could chip no more for the day but what a difference! It looks GREAT now!

     Couldn't look prettier! Still working on the mess in front of the barn. More pics to come when we get it all cleaned up. Look at our finished product though. Beautiful home grown wood chips.


     Another outdoor project we have been working on is tearing down our old pig pen. We are trying to keep all of the old barn board as we disassemble, so it has been a very laborious project. For each board that comes off we have had to pound out all of the nails and each board has had a minimum of at least four old three to four inch nails in them and let me tell you, what ever the wood is made out of it is extremely HARD!!! No wonder barns and other out buildings stand the test of time.

 If you look through the doorway of the top pic you can see right through. That's because there is no wall on the side of this building. Can you say needs to come down?

OK let's get started shall we. Sledge hammer up and ready to go.

Front is off!!!! Yeah

Coming a long way.
Gettin' ready to rip her down.

First part is DOWN!!!!
Our loyal sentry on watch.
 IT IS DOWN!!!! YOO HOO!!!!!

Any body needs barn wood? We have some for sale.


       Another project that we did not count on this year was putting a new set of steps on the back porch. Due to our lovely Winter weather, that totally crumbled the original steps, we had to do something quick. After much though about what to do we decided on a 1,200 pound set of cement steps. Now your next question might be how does one lift a set of extremely heavy steps. The answer is not without a lot of muscle.

Okay this couldn't be more of a mess.

Here is the muscle!!

Looks who is having some fun!

Easy does it!!!!!!
Fits like a glove.

      Well another project completed. Don't you think they did a great job? I do!

They even put in a small patio with the original pavers and surrounded it with our own wood chips. It looks GREAT!!!


We have finally bought our log-splitter!!!! Yeah!!!! We have purchased this nice piece of equipment because in a couple of months you will see pictures of our brand new outdoor wood burner. I will never go through another winter paying for oil. With the size of our house it was ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS!!!!!!what we had to pay out last year. NOT EVER AGAIN!!!!

Look at these clowns! Apparently they wanted to make sure the maul was sharp enough before they got started and decided to use the son-in-law's head. They are toooo funny. Imagine for a moment living with them!!